Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Writing an Ethics Case: A Group Project

In class we have made some use of cases written by students and faculty of Santa Clara University.  The cases were placed someone before a difficult ethical decision in a real life situation.   Our task in the next two classes will be to write an ethics case based on our own experiences.  We will break into small groups and each group will write a case.  After finishing the project, we will use them as the basis of discussion in class.

Step 1: Brainstorm

What are ethical dilemmas that possibly could confront you as a student, as young person, as a son or daughter, as a citizen?  Brainstorm a list of five to ten possibilities.   The dilemmas should be personal and contemporary.  The situations should be real, not commonplace situations that others will evaluate in a quick and simple way.  It can be a dilemma you have encountered. 

As you evaluate the list of dilemmas to select one for development, eliminate the ones for which you have no personal experience or for which you have no personal familiarity through another person.  Choose a compelling problem that is difficult to decide.  

Step 2: Write a rough draft

Write a rough draft.  Make clear these three elements:

1.       Who is the protagonist?

2.       What issue does he or she face?

3.       What circumstances complicate the situation?

Step 3: Refine the story and think of two questions

Now revise and edit the story.  What details could bring out more nuances or complexity?  Is the choice too clear-cut?  Think of two questions that will stimulate thought.

Step 4: Turn in everything and post on the blog

Turn in your brainstorming, your rough draft, and your finished case.  Post your case on the class blog with the first names of all the people in your group. 


  1. In the middle of the high school year, a girl arrives to a new school and has troubles integrating with the other students. She is made fun of because of her background and economic situation. Although she tries to be nice and polite to the others, she is continuously made fun of, and spends her weekends crying in her house alone. Her mother, when seeing this, asks her what is the cause of her sadness and her daughter replies that she is being made fun of in school. Consequently, her mother goes to the principal of the school and student body president. She explains the situation and complains about the student’s behavior towards her daughter.
    After the meeting, the mother asks the principal and the student body president to keep the information to themselves, and to try to help her daughter without making it public. The student boy president initially wanted to follow the mother’s instructions and to keep the information private, but then realizes that if she informs her friends of the situation, they might be able to resolve it quicker. The student body president has to make a choice; to keep quiet or to get help from her friends.

    In this case, what would be the optimal choice to benefit both parties?
    Do you know another way to solve this situation?
    What would you do if you were in the student body president’s position?

    Ludovica, Vicky, Ilaria

  2. Case Study

    A friend of yours is supposed to have written a college essay, but was busy volunteering at the hospital, and so, did not have enough time to complete the assignment. He/she becomes desperate and, knowing that he/she will probably not get accepted without a proper essay, and not having enough time to write one, he results to copying an essay from another senior student who left their laptop open. You know that if your friend sends the essay too, both parties might get into trouble, and even though your friend is a very good student who deserves to go to a good university (a better one than the person who-s essay was stolen), he didn’t do the essay himself, and this makes matters much worse. The student, who actually wrote the essay, is known to have issues with school work and handling pressure and might have a mental-breakdown due to stress, where this to become a huge issue, since the university that the essay is being written for is one of the only ones that he/she feel they might get into, and without that application, he/she might feel that getting into any other university would be problematic for her, and so, her reaction to such stress is unpredictable.

    Should you report your friend’s dishonest actions to the person who wrote the college essay, to the college counselor, or to the university itself directly, or not at all?

    Abdou John, Jaycee Mba, Giorgio Musilli, Ziyad Nour.

  3. Seeing a friend copy someone else’s work.
    Robert, Kim, and Edwards have been friends throughout high school. Kim and Robert are both part of the basketball team and KIM is the captain. However, while Robert tries to balance out school and sport, Kim only cares about basketball and is bad at school.
    One day, Kim asks Edward to borrow him his laptop for a school project. However, when Edward leaves the room, Kim takes out his USB and copies over Edward’s math portfolio, which is due the next day. Robert sees this happen and knows that Kim hasn’t done his own work. He also knows that if he doesn’t tell Edward, both of his friend will probably be disqualified from the IB Program. However, he also knows that Kim can hold grudges against people and doesn’t want to get on his bad side.
    What would you do in Robert’s place?

    By: Amir, Matej, Aini, and Beini ......

  4. 1) Ben is happily married and has five children. The oldest one, Mike, knows about the affair his father has with his schoolmate’s mother. Should Mike tell the mother and threat the stability of the family? Should Mike only tell the father that he is informed of the affair, in order to expect a reaction of remorse from his side? Or should Mike keep his silence and pretend that nothing is wrong, hiding his resentment for his father and hoping that things will adjust by themselves?

    2) A class is having a test. George is the best student of the class and can easily score the maximum. Marta, his classmate, begs him to help her during the test: she is very insistant. George, after a while, decides to help her: he throws a note to her. In the very moment he does so, he is caught by the teacher, who immediately takes his test, still incomplete, and gives him a penalty. George, in the frenzy of the moment, confesses to the teacher that it was Marta’s fault as she incessantly asked him for help. This makes the teacher take Marta’s test as well, inflicting the same penalty. After this George and Marta start to quarrel violently. Whose fault was it in the first place? How should have George responded to Marta’s desperate requests?

    By Massimiliano Angeloni, Celeste Paris, Samantha Mazzi

  5. A group of friends has known each other for 5 years and now one of the group isolated himself but you are still very friends.
    This friend is being bullied during lunch by your group of friends and you don't know what side to take. Should you defend your friend? Should you be part of the bullying ? Or just ignore the situation?
    Your decision could affect your future, because you could loose a friend or a group of friends.

    By: Carlo, Erica Nicolo
