Sunday, May 15, 2011

Art: What has been the most powerful experience for me?

Art as a way of knowing is an enormous topic. Living in a city like Rome that teems with masterpieces can give another dimension to our classroom discussion. Whether we wish to look at a Neolithic fertility goddess, an Egyptian obelisk from the time of Ramses the Great, an Assyrian battle relief, a Hellenistic bronze of a beaten boxer, an Etruscan terracotta statue of a deity, a Roman imperial portrait, the Colosseum, the Pantheon, a medieval church and its mosaics, a graceful Renaissance masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, or Michelangelo, a haunting biblical scene by Caravaggio, an elegant and dynamic sculpture by Bernini, the cooler Neoclassical beauty of a Canova statue, the patriotic scenes of the painters of the Risorgimento, the abstractions of the Futurists or Rationalists, the thought-provoking contemporary architectural works of Zaha Hadid, Richard Meier, Renzo Piano, or Massimiliano Fuksas---Rome has these and much, much more. It's a tough act to beat.

And if we think of the poets and other writers who have lived or sojourned here, the list continues. Picking up the list from after 1800, we can mention Leopardi, Keats, Byron, Shelley, James Joyce, Hans Christian Andersen, Alberto Moravia, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Dacia Maraini, and the list can go on and on.

And if we think of film, the list continues: Rossellini, De Sica, Visconti, Passolini, Fellini, Sergio Leone, Elio Petri...

But if we ask what work of art has been most important to you, how would you respond? Would it be a work from the past? Would it be a work of literature, a dance performance, a song, a film, a cartoon, a painting, a sculpture, a building? What makes it so powerful to you? Is it the emotion? Is it an insight into the human condition? Was it something else?

Please answer these last questions in an entry below of about 400 words. This is due at the beginning of class on May 20.


  1. In order to determine what work of art has been most important to me, i may have to revise what the true significance of art is.
    Today, in this hi-tech world explain what art is even more difficult. Art is the artistic product that springs from the activity of a creator, artist, who then submits it to the opinion of users who grant value to that product.
    The artistic products created enclose eternal sand piritual values, arising from personal experience of the artist about the social reality in which he lives or has lived or will live.
    Works of art, therefore, have the important task of being a s communicative testimony of values that have become eternal through time.
    I've been thinking a while before starting to write one of my favourite works of art, and i must assure that even though i am not an artist kind of person, i do really appreciate art in whatever form, and choosing one is quite a difficult task. Further more living in Rome is not at all helpful, as many works of art are right at hand, as the coliseum, pantheon, ...
    But what about photographs? Literature? Music?Fashion? art is everywhere.
    But, forced to chose the work of art that I consider most effective, and which I will always remember for the feeling it provoked is the is the winner of 3 Oscars film "La vita รจ bella" by Roberto Benigni. One might ask, how can you consider a film regarding the holocaust beautiful? yet it is to me, and to the rest of the world considering its success, one of the greatest masterpieces.
    It is difficult not be moved by the poet Benigni, whom for the entire two hours of film sings his hymn to life, even when the outside world, is the worst possible place to live in. During the film, there is equilibrium between drama and comedy, so that at the same moment you may cry and you may laugh. And, the love..the love of a husband that makes you cry for how much he loves his wife, and the love of a father whom despite knowing that he will soon die, laughs and plays with his son in order to make him believe that life is beautiful. What makes this film my favorite work of art is the emotion it transmits. It does not matter at what age you will see the it, beacuse under whatever perspective, the spectator will grab something by it, whether it's the love that never dies, or the capacity of making us reflect and release our emotions.


  2. while reading the very long lists of monuments, historical elements, composers, musician and other artists of any type I was trying to figure out which form of art has had more impact on me and which one is more present in my life. After a brief reflection I believe that generally music is the most recurring form of art in my daily life as I can’t go a day without listening to it and maybe singing along. Depending on my mood I listen to different types of songs and it is so powerful to me because every different song conveys a message and through it I can express some emotions that I personally have difficulty in putting into words, while the song itself explains it clearly. Some songs may also have a message to it which appeals to my emotions. The rhythm of the songs is also an important aspect as my mood dictates the songs I listen to. Also sometimes if I am nervous by playing some energetic music and singing along I can forget about what I was nervous for and calm down. Another form of art which really affected me is a movie: Schindler’s List. This movie about the holocaust is an insight in the past human condition and shows a very sad aspect of the world where millions of people were victims of unexcused cruelty. While watching the movie for the first time it strongly appealed to my emotions as I felt compassion, sadness, nearly despair for the poor people. I have watched it again and the powerful effect did not fade away. The way the movie portrays life in those grotesque years stirs people to reflect on the human condition and to improve conditions for future generations. In conclusion music and Schindler’s List are the forms of art which have had influenced me the most and have had the most impact on my emotions. I believe that music is an expression of the soul and is a universal way of communication.

  3. I have experienced various creative things in my sixteen years of life. One of them, being: the creativity of Music. Music is a very broad topic and it offers so many opportunities and has also impacted our society greatly. Therefore, the most important kind of art to me: is Music. It has expanded my knowledge about various musical instruments and musical notes. I began to play a musical instrument in second grade. My first musical instrument being the violin, which I played for 5-6 years, and where I performed at many concerts. It then soon became a part of who I was, since it contributed to a part of my adolescent years. Then I soon began to play the piano for 2 years, and last of all I finished with the flute, which I have continue to play. Being able to experience the touch and feel of each of these instruments was a worthwhile experience. Therefore, yes, in fact music is a part of my past but also a part of my future. I was surrounded by music and the sound of The Beatles, The Beach Boys and various other enjoyable bands and I believe that listening to music and being surrounded by it, made me grow fonder and fonder of it. The flute has given me the pride, confidence and the talent to be able to acknowledge my strengths in the musical department. I have done various exams, concerts and even played during a mass at school. I have reached that level of capacity, where any musical sheet that I am given, I can play. The reason that I may have reached to this level of capacity, was because of my determination to succeed and also my sense of emotional connection to my musical instrument. When I feel the keys that I press, I don’t only feel the music within in me or through my ears, but I also acknowledge the fact that I am creating music. When I play the flute, I feel the music that I play is also bringing forth the emotion or the mental state that I am in. Music lets one express one’s self in a creative way, giving one the opportunity to let out one’s emotions and to give one the possibility to bring out one’s state of mind to an audience of their preference.

  4. What work of art has been most important to me? Very tough question. Art has so many different forms and feelings to it that the variety of aspects a piece of any art can give you is enormous. However, I like to think that the form of art that has impacted me most in life until now was a song.
    Music is a very particular form of art. As well as other arts it has a wide range of emotions and sensations it produces when listened to. The different sounds can stimulate very strong feelings and cause anger, depression, happiness and even love. It can communicate different things to different people and so can be interpreted differently, causing it to be capable of being personal. Not only are the sounds in a song important but also the words, which are probably even more important. The lyrics to a song that an artist chooses are picked out very carefully. They are chosen with great thought and with a purpose to spread a message or interpret an old experience, or even just philosophize on aspects of life. The lyrics also can be interpreted as one wishes, but overall the message is rather clear.
    My favorite song (which I will not say the title of) gives me personally several emotions. When I listen to it I feel sad, but at the same time happy. Because I tie this song to one the most important experiences in my life, every time I listen to it it brings back memories and those feelings that are hiding inside me. I like listening to this song because it gives me a chance to go back, go back to what I was experiencing and feeling. Even if sometimes it brings negative sensations to me I like to bring back the memories, just for those five minutes that the song lasts. Afterwards the feeling goes away. The thoughts might stay with me for a few days and I might even dream about this person once and a while but then it goes away, until I listen to that song again a long time afterwards.

  5. In my opinion art is a way of life; it can be hobby for some or a career for others, but in the end it is intrinsic to the individual's life no matter what. It can be approached in many diverse ways, but there is always an aspect of it present in everyone's life (whether they know it or not). I was raised in a family which allowed me to flourish in my creative aspects and which accepted my love for the arts. In fact a lot of my family is right brained (so to say): my grandmother is an author, my father is a photographer, my mother sews, and many of my cousins are involved in the art world. So loving the arts (and disliking sciences/maths and other logic related subjects) wasn't difficult or contentious in my family.
    I really enjoy listening to music of all different genres, and I have a great passion for the art of music. Listening to music inspires me to create other forms of art such as: drawing, painting, sculpture and photography. Unfortunately I quit all the instruments I learned how to play: piano, clarinet and voice, because I began to get bored with them. I have never really forgiven myself for giving up on a form of art that is so spirited and lovely. Although I love music I feel more enlightened by the visual arts. Now that I am an IB student and have decided to take the arduous Art HL course, I can finally focus and stick with a medium of art which I truly enjoy doing.
    If I were to be asked what work of art has been important to me in my life, I would have to answer with my most obvious choice: The Four Seasons by Alphonse Mucha. Mucha is not only one of my favorite artists, but his extremely talented, unique and beautiful art making has been of great inspiration to my art making. The Four Seasons are a series of paintings created to represent each season personified as beautiful women. Each woman contains her own personal style, movement, and personality which corresponds to the season she personifies. Mucha made a whole collection of different series of the Four Seasons, they are all beautiful but my favorite is the series which is the least decorated and most colorful ( My favorite of the series is Summer. I love this art work the most because I feel it relates a lot with my feelings of summer as well. I first found out about Mucha the summer of 2008 when I saw his art work in an American Art Museum (I later saw his work again in Prague in 2009). The image of the girl lying leisurely on a branch of blossoming flowers with her feet grazing the surface of the pond water , and her hair wild and loose is the perfect depiction of how summer truly is in my opinion. It is also a very youthful image with a lot of movement (curves, angles, designs, colors) which is attracting to the eye. I think that this work of art is important to me because it evokes emotions and brings back memories of happiness as I look at it. A painting which is able to elicit the viewer's emotions is extremely awe inspiring. This artwork makes me want to create works of art which allow the viewer to feel different and captivate long lost memories when they see them.

  6. Art is a way of expressing ourselves and our feelings. It helps that we all see art in a different perspective. It gives us all a sense of individuality.

    If ten people were given a subject and told to express their perspective of the subject on a blank canvas, it is guaranteed that every piece will be different. But no matter how different they are, they will all still have some sort of similarity. The similarity helps us understand what the others are trying to say through their art and gives a sense of unity.

    For me art is a way of expressing my feelings also wasy to relax myself. As an art I really enjoy constructing clay pottery because it very relaxing and I really enjoy creating every time a new differnt type of shape for every vase, bowl, jug, etc...Another reason why really like constructing clay pottery it's because constructing clay pottery it is also a work determination and one mistake I will have to strat everything over so I need full focus and attention in what I do.

  7. Given that I see the entire world as an entire artistic form, I would say that I think humanity in itself and the nature and the galaxy that surrounds us is the 'art' that is most important to me. Yet, to narrow it down to a minimally simpler and smaller point of view, the art that is most important to me is the work that transmits a relevant message that the creator strongly believes in, or rather the art which transmits to the viewer the passion with which it was created. In addition, it does not matter where this art comes from or who made it, or even when it was made as long as it contributes to the audience somehow. Similarly, it is not relevant what media is used, because if a message is present, the art form is the interpretation the artist, be it a dance show, a film, a song or a painting... And if they believe that that is the best way to communicate what they are trying to say, and if it is successful, then so be it. Clearly, not all the messages that are transmitted and all the pieces of art that have been 'created with passion,' are important to me and appeal to me, but this is the general idea of what I believe a strong piece of art is made of. The beauty of this, is that the message, potentially, could be anything, including an insight into the human form or an emotion- the message can be intricate, or rather simple. But of the utmost importance is the evident passion present within a piece, which is what makes it stand out and has the capability of touching the viewer. This has been done, and is being done now; more recently in innovative ways (seen within contemporary art), but not any more than the traditional ways which are just as adequate, if not more. I have made generalizations because I could never possibly pick one piece of art that appeals to me the most, but I do recall sitting in the MoMa in Manhattan once in a vast room with very tall ceilings, and on the white walls that surrounded the audience slow-motion images of children running in a field eating strawberries. There was loud audio sounds coming from various speaker around the room and there was a comfortable couch to lie down on. In that moment, I did not receive a message necessarily, but many emotions were spurred within me, having all my senses being involved. The artist put a lot of effort and time to make the experience long-lasting and effective, therefore passion was transmitted. This is the only acceptable example I could think of. In conclusion, art should be able to induce and contribute to the artist in order to be really acknowledged.

  8. Music has a particularly strong effect on me. Many of my favorite songs do not necessarily speak a message through words; they reveal much through their melody. I have heard songs that reveal everything just through the way they sound: nostalgia, hope. My favorite song makes you feel like there's an endless stretch of hope in front of you. It's not the lyrics though. It's the instrumental part of the song. The deepest feelings are brought on by just one guitar chord that makes everything fall into place. Its power lies in its abstractness. There's a connection with the song, and it's not thought out. It cannot be explained. This song produces in me endless feelings without having to hear a word.
    Of course there are several other songs, absolutely beautiful songs, that combine both their lyrical meaning and their tune. One can turn to these songs and truly take something away from them. They seem to know you so well, and it is with them that you can share your deepest feelings. By hearing these songs, all your feelings and emotions are released.
    Written works have also affected me deeply, and it is probably the art form with which I connect the most. A writer is a true artist. Every word in a piece of literature, be it prose or poetry, is there for a reason. One can see the human soul in literature. The deepest parts of man are explored. Authors discuss everything, everything that helps us understand who we are. Literature makes you think and reflect upon yourself. There are social issues and personal issues, and to express these properly is art. It is the art of understanding us and being able to express it in a way through which we can understand ourselves. These works are powerful because you see yourself in them. They move you before you even understand why you're moved.

  9. To me every form of art can express something from deep inside you. Each form however, expresses it in different ways. The way in which I feel that expresses myself the most is probably though art itself, and song writing. I took guitar lessons for 3 years, and then I stopped, but I continued to play the guitar. I gradually taught myself a series of chords and notes which sound good together and consequently, I created a song, and this is important to me. Not only does the song express me but the lyrics do too. If one thinks about it, all songs that have lyrics to accompany them have had thought and time dedicated to their creation. Through songwriting, I release my emotions for others to hear. Something which touched me, and touched my emotions, was when I heard my song being played by someone else. This gave me just a little urge of joy, knowing that someone has taken their time to play what I feel. Songwriting is an amazing way to express ones feelings, and a way to also listen to ones feeling. It can also however, help one overcome their emotions, whether this being sad, happy, angry, there will always be a song which you can listen to. It helps. Slowly, I stopped playing guitar, for many reasons. I do notice the difference now, because I can’t release the anger or joy within me.
    Art itself is another extremely important form which is most important to me. Through art, you can note billions of tiny details. Some people notice details which others don’t. Each one of us can see a work of art in a different point of view. This is the beauty of art. An artist may have a long detailed explanation behind a green triangle on a piece of canvas. But the audience, the people who see the work, may see it as a house, or simply, as a green triangle. As Isabella said, art is all around us. Wherever you look, there is a form of art. Therefore, I strongly believe that the two forms of art which are my strongest are songwriting and art itself. They both express one’s emotions in a way that, to me, no other form of art can do.

  10. As I read the blog post and its various mentions of many artists and works of art I partially felt guilty. That is because, living in Rome, which is one of the most artistically rich cities in the world, I feel like I don’t deserve to be surrounded by such things. Although I do feel great pride in seeing architectural masterpieces such as the Colosseum and the Pantheon, both as a Roman and as a human being, and despite the fact that I can appreciate the beauty and complexity of Michelangelo’s “Giudizio Universale” I feel like purely visual gratification is not something I am that susceptible to. And that is how I feel about the awe-inspiring and graphically pleasing art. When, however, I observe art that has more of a conceptual style to it, and is not particularly focused on aesthetics (e.g. Picasso) I do not feel anything. This, as I said, makes me feel somewhat guilty, almost ignorant for not being able to fully appreciate such things.
    The form of art, which I do instead love, is music. There are many different types of music I enjoy and each one of them fits with whatever mood I’m in. If I feel like getting charged up, I’ll listen to some upbeat rock or metal, if I feel like relaxing, I’ll listen to some reggae or dub, if I feel like having a laugh I’ll listen to some rap. This all depends on my state of being at the moment I listen to the music, as it is constantly switching back and forth and changing.
    If, however, I had to choose the music that makes me have the most powerful experiences I’d say Pink Floyd. Pink Floyd, were a British progressive rock band most prolific throughout the 1970’s. The reason I place Pink Floyd in a separate category is that, to me, their music is different from any other I have listened to. Although I love most of their work, if I had to choose one in particular I’d say “The Dark Side of the Moon”, in my opinion one of their best albums. I’d say the whole album as opposed to one song because I feel it is something that should be listened to completely, from beginning to end, and because the songs merge perfectly with each other. The reason I love Pink Floyd and music so much is not because of the meaning of each song or the lyrics but simply because some music just resonates with me as a being, it is my natural frequency, and makes me feel things I cannot put into words.

  11. There is no true definition of art and it’s difficult to find that one source of art that truly reflects something within you. I have played the piano, danced classical dance, acted, painted, made collages and out of each experience expressed something about me, which shows how art for me is personal and must reflect something within an individual. I find art also something that is achieved with creativity and passion such as gardening or cooking which still expresses something about the artist who has labored to reach their masterpiece. For me art has to evoke an emotion and stabilize a relationship between the artist and the artwork. If I had to decide the form of art that persuades me the most and captures my attention it would probably be visual art since my senses mainly appeal to that form of art and within this period of time I personally feel more connected to. My interests in art vary from my moods and emotions, for example when I need to feel a sense of grandeur within me the monument of Vittorio Emmanuele II at Piazza Venezia greatly appeals to my senses. Also the painting Wanderer Above the Sea Fog by Caspar David Friedrich completely engages my senses when I’m pensive and reflective and the painting The Kiss by Gustav Klimt reflect my romantic emotions. Each emotion that I feel can be connected with a work of art that can also simply be a drawing a friend gave me or pictures of special moments in my life. In fact I personally am transforming my room into a collection of ‘works of art’ of various people that have been part of my life.

    I don’t think I can judge on what is the work of art that has been most important to me since each emotion and experience of my life has a different connection with different works of art and I can’t decide what emotion and moment of my life has been the most intrinsic within me.

  12. Art is such a simple term but it is difficult to define. To a child, art is drawing and coloring. For celebrities, art is acting and entertaining. For designers, art is trend and fashion. The definition of art can be very objective.Different sectors have their own definition of art. They have various standards too. For a mother, the drawings of her children are works of art. For museums, art is the genuine creation of a significant artist in the past. Just like its definition, its significance also varies. There are various forms of art today, and each is important to the artist involved. A good example is a musician. Music is a good example of art. That is why singers are called artists. For a songwriter, each song has a story that he wants the people to hear. For most writers, this is very personal. For various artists, art is way of expressing themselves. You may have seen an abstract oil painting, although you cannot recognize the patterns and strokes of the artists, it is very important for the painter. For him, it represents his emotion and his character. It can symbolize his anger and frustration. However, it can also represent his love and compassion. Anyone who sees it can also use it to represent how they feel. Strokes and colors can evoke certain emotions from other people. This is why most people want to buy pieces of artwork.
    For others, it represents their dreams. The television today has produced several competitions that opened the doors for various dreamers. There are dancers across the country who lined up to audition because all their life they wanted to dance in front of an audience who appreciates what they can do. Many have gone to school to enhance their skills so that they can be among the best dancers in the world. Like music, dancing is a form of art that can evoke various feelings. Aside from love, dances can also evoke sensuality, excitement, fun, passion, anger, and happiness. Art here is more than entertainment and talent. It is more of touching people's life through their moves and choreography.

    Today, art also symbolizes comfort. You can see art in many beautiful and comfortable homes. Interior designers are also artists in many ways. They match things to provide a wonderful space for their client. Seeing the overwhelming reactions of their clients gives them satisfaction. To them, that is the most rewarding feeling. Art has also transcended in foods. Many cooks and chefs have proven this. Some maybe predictable but others are like the abstract oil painting. You do not care what is in there as long as you like the taste. For them, being able to feed and satisfy their customers is all that matters. Art is very significant in today's generation. Since it has taken various forms, it has earned the respect of almost all the artists. Musicians respect their instruments. Painters respect their brushes, paints, and canvass. And, chefs respect their ingredients and utensils.
    My favorite piece of art has to be The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci because it manages to create such fuss, confusion and discussion that is open to different interpretations. Not to mention the exquisite manner in which Da Vince paints his figures and pays attention to every single little detail throughout his whole painting.

  13. I find art a way of finding mental peace because it brings the mind to another world. This world both relaxes the mind and gives you as a person a feeling of accomplishment. When one is in the mood for creating they can get inspired by anything, even an advert. I find the IB art class even though it can be stressful, it really cannot be considered a class. I intend this not to be a insult but as in that it is more than just a class, it is a period to learn about yourself. The teacher is still there to give you advise and help you, but you determine what you are going to do, in what medium you are going to do it, and why you choose to do it. To get to the answer of these questions one has to go through a time of inner reflexion, when you sit and just think.
    Art transmits a variety of emotions, both when creating and when viewing. I believe the emotions are personal and are the creators or the viewers’ interpretation that make art unique. Everyone interpretation that make art differently, this is because there are so many ways to express art such as: dance, music, sports as well as the construction of a sculpture or painting. The fundamental reason for this is that art is a way of expressing ones self and each person finds themselves more comfortable in one medium. I don’t find that I have a favourite art form, because it depends on the mood I am in. And I think this shows how personal and unique art is. I also think that when trying to express a message and transmit it to the viewer I believe that a sculpture works best. This reasoning is only because people react differently to a 3D object than a 2D painting. To conclude art expressing a creative side one has and it is fundamental for a healthy life.

  14. Art comes in various forms, and each of these is important in life, and takes up a big part of every one of us. Living in Rome, art surrounds us every day, maybe without us even noticing. Yet it is always special and beautiful, and always makes me think about and appreciate the past. Thanks to the marvelous monuments of this city, I realize the grandeur of Rome, and its importance. This makes me proud of my nation, and this is only one of the emotions these art pieces suscitate in me.
    But the monuments that surround us are not the only, and particularly not the most important form of art in my life. A form of expressing myself has always been dance, and it is extremely important to me. It is a way I have of letting myself go, shaking away problems and thinking about nothing but the music and its rythmicality. This leads me into what is the most important kind of art in my life: music. I do not make music, and I can't play any instrument. But I could not live a life without music. It is in everything I do, and it helps me DO everything I do. Certain artists and certain songs are extremely important to me, for they remind me of my childhood, and every time I listen to them I get a mixed feeling of happiness and melancholy. When I listen to these songs I remember scenes, moments of my life that have passed. Not necessarily do these have to be important moment: they were moments of joy, moments of sadness, or just random moments that have no need to be remembered but make you smile when you do. Music gives me a certain state of mind, it can make me relax or make me want to dance or scream. As strange as it may seem, an artist who has affected me, since I was a kid, was Eminem. When I listen to his music, I remember moments from my past and his songs make me reflect upon my life and my experiences. He has helped me realize that no matter who you are, or where you come from, you can realize your dream. He has made me believe in life, in the fact that if you want something bad enough, nothing should stop you from reaching out and grabbing whatever opportunity you get.
    This is why art is important: it brings people te reflect, maybe about things that without art they would never have thought about. It has the capability of making someone feel an emotion and realize how strong it is.
