Monday, March 14, 2011

Variety in Presentations!

The TOK Presentation is a not an easy task, it cannot be thrown together after reading something hurriedly. It must be personal, well-researched and well-structured, addressing a real-life situation and focussing on the inherent knowledge issues.

The Guide to the course says that "presentations may take many forms, such as lectures, skits, simulations, games, dramatized readings, interviews or debates. Students may use supporting materials such as videos, MS Powerpoint presentations, overhead projections, posters, questionnaires, recordings of songs or interviews, costumes or props. Under no circumstances, however, should the presentation be simply an essay read aloud to the class" (page 47).

Keeping this in mind, be creative! Take a look at this film on teen dating made by a group of TOK students in California. It is a real-life situation and the students are focussing on Knowledge Issues. Write a reaction (250 words) to the short video below by Monday, March 21.


  1. The video was very efficient and persuasive. Through the video the knowledge issues are clearly presented and it's not like the usual powerpoint presentation, it is shown that a lot of time was spent on producing the video.Language, Emotions, Sensory perception and reason are the arguments that the students develp in the video by visually explaining and finding a resolution on how the various parts of the tok diagram relate to teen dating. Emotions are present in the video since they discuss how relationships are affected by emotions. Then Language is present in the video since relationships are affected by communication and sensory perception also affects relationship since certain ways of expressing through langauge can be misunderstood. Lastly reason affects relationship since they reason out why relationships fail and come to an end after high school.

  2. I found that the TOK students in California managed to address the teen dating topic very well, paying close attention to the TOK topics and using TOK language. They planed it in such a way that it wasn’t boring and still gave a lot of detail and showed that they had researched there topic. The TOK students made it interesting by not just reading off a power point but by creating a video and having some parts that were skits of then acting and also having a voice that is just informing. They present it well from the beginning of the video you know what is going to be spoken about, and then they explain what effect relationships have on an adolescent. One of these is how a relationship can affect a person emotionally. Then they go on to explain how relationships have developed overtime and that now a days they are based on sense of perception, another very important term in TOK. They say that the body reacts to what the see, which makes them react to it. What they then to is very interesting because they analyse the connection between the two terms emotions and sense of perception, this leads to them explaining a relationship by using biology and how hormones have a great effect on the body. Reason is another TOK term that is mentioned in this presentation and how they reason about relationships failing. Over all they handled the task well they managed to get a knowledge issue and apply it to TOK using TOK terms.

  3. The TOK presentation, by a group of Californian students, was effective because they managed to portray their ideas very well, through each of the four TOK knowledge issues. Language was used effectively in the sense that the video wasn't boring, therefore the information that was chosen to present was interesting, and was presented in an appealing manner. Also, language was effective in relation to the topic itself, and how what people say to one another may affect their relationship. Emotion was a different kind of effect that was used because the video could have a certain emotional effect on the viewer, as well as portrayed as being a huge part of the goods and bads in a relationship. Emotion was also used by the people in the group, who presented the topic with great enthusiasm. Reason is important in a relationship because you need to realize who if the right person for you, looking at all the facts. Sensory perception is also similar to reason, in the sense that you shouldn't just chose anyone, but reason, and use sensory perception to understand if he/she is right. In the video, various knowledge issues were used together which helped portray the information better. In conclusion, the video was very well done, and a lot of time and effort was spent to create it. They did a good job in covering all the TOK terms, and presenting valid information about teen dating.

  4. I personally think that what made the video fantastic was that it was talking about a real life situation reguarding a knowledge issue, but at the same time it looked like one of these humorous videos on youtube. The 4 teens in the video were able to effectively analyze the knowledge issue on high school couples and why they often end breaking up.The TOK related question of the presentation reguards why highschool relationships often end up breaking up. They put at the center of the TOK diagram the two lovers, whom eventually experience emotions, sensory perception, language and reason. They then smartly develop the ways of knowing and for example, transmit their emotions, such as frustration, while they do their math homework or they try to draw for art. They give at least one example for each way of knowing. They show how language can be misconcevied and cause miscommunication. They use the senses to interact with each other, and develop the idea that it is for reason that couples eventually break up.
    In conclusion, it is impressive how they are able to cover most of the TOK diagram and continueously relate to their issue. What makes the presentation unique is its effectiveness and creativity.

  5. Before watching the video on youtube, i believed that it was going to be one of the usual video, boring and uninteresting. Yet, as i followed the video, i had to re-state my opinion, because the video ended up to be very useful, and instructing. The video follows all the expectations that the TOK presentation require. The four teens in the video, participate in the same way. The topic they chose to discuss, is regarding teen couples.I personally think it was an excellent topic, as it greatly affects students and therefore leads to interest in watching. The tok diagram is well explained; the lovers, who are the the knowers, experience emotions, language, reason, and sensory perception. For each way of knowing they provide an example, and show how it is used in the specific topic. Overall, the presentation was original, creative, and catching.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The video was, first and foremost, highly enjoyable. Fast paced, and with a balance between acting and narration, the TOK students presented their topic with gusto and clarity, never losing sight of their knowledge issue but also making their presentation fun and funny. The viewer pays attention. Various areas of the TOK Diagram are present in this TOK presentation. Sensory perception, emotion, reason, and language are all discussed in their relation to teen dating. The presentation, which was called "The Biological, Sociological, and Linguistic Explanations of the Failure of Teenage Relationships", explores why teenage relationships fail and the effects of the failure, seen through the lenses of the ways of knowing. Already seen in the title, various areas of knowledge including history (Courting in Colonial America), natural sciences (Hormones), and mathematics (Statistics that only 2% of teen couples get married), are cleverly integrated into the video to further support the points made. With a well-drawn conclusion, the video was well-made, to the point, and used TOK terminology. The students were familiar with their topic, as it is something they have either experienced or see every day. They could reference themselves and personal experience. The students used all the resources available to their maximum potential, and used the media form of video well, interacting very much when they could have participated passively. In conclusion, the TOK presentation on teen dating got its point across while being fun to watch.

  8. The TOK video on teen dating was actually rather interesting. It didn't catch my attention immediately but it while watching the video I became very attracted. The group of California students definitely made the TOK presentation very effective and under a certain perspective suspenseful. I always wanted to know what they were going to say and what they were going to talk about afterwards. The video in turn was entertaining because of the students' skits throughout the presentation. I enjoyed the video because it was short and concise. I believe that the topic chose also helped with entertaining their audience. Mostly the knowledge issue of teen dating is a real life situation which is of great interest of people in general, mostly teens obviously. The video was very effective also because it addressed many ways of knowing stated in the TOK diagram and elaborated them by giving little examples which were almost unnoticed and integrated so well in the clip that they still remain in you mind after the video. This was essential for their presentation because they related the four ways of knowing being emotion, sensory perception, language and reason back to their issue of teen dating with examples of real life situations. To conclude I think that watching this video greatly helped in my knowing of what a TOK presentation consists of. The fact that these California students are taking TOK and are part of the IB, makes them a good group I can relate to. Many things that they said and did could be useful and extremely helpful with what I may want to do in my presentation.

  9. In the T.O.K. presentation "The Biological, Sociological, and Linguistic Explanations of the Failure of Teenage Relationships" the students try to determine the causes for the high rate of teen relationship failure through the use of the four ways of knowing and by providing examples of each among the different areas of knowing. They first use natural sciences in their presentation by implementing sociological statistics and trends and then by making historical references to dating in colonial America. They address how emotion plays a large role in teen dating, as one of the main factors which cause teenagers to become a couple is physical attraction to one another, followed by attraction to the person’s character. They are able to nicely tie in natural sciences, in particular biology, when they explain how many teenagers are still immature because many hormonal changes are still to take place. They compare hormones to coffee to explain how hormones act. Their mention of how teenagers are easily affected by the media ties in with sensory perception and emotion. They explain how reason doesn’t play a large part in relationships, as they originate mostly from emotion and sensory perception. Through their video they show the analogy between relationships and art, stating that if art were to be addressed solely through rational thought it would cease to exist, or, at the very least, complicate its existence. It adds to this by trying to solve the problem of relationships through mathematics and demonstrating once again how the key to a successful relationship transcends reason. They then proceed to address language, and how its misinterpretation often leads to arguments and relationship failures. It also expands by noting how the connotation of words changes throughout time. Finally, it mentions morals and ethics by explaining how different religious views may contribute to the failure of a relationship, thus mentioning every single area of knowledge and way of knowing. In conclusion, albeit being awkwardly unfunny, the students showed originality through their use of acting and technology as a means of communication. One must also note how the T.O.K. terms were appropriately used and how their title was very good for a T.O.K. presentation. They clearly had a well thought plan as to how their act was to be conducted, addressing all areas of knowledge in ways relevant to their initial question, making theirs a very good example for a correctly assembled T.O.K. presentation.

  10. The presentation on teen dating is very effective and persuasive. It efficiently and thoroughly delivers the message to the audience through the video with images and skits. The knowledge issue was clearly discussed and they used TOK terms which demonstrated their knowledge. The topics mentioned and illustrated in the video were always related to a part of the TOK diagram. It is said that relationships can affect a person emotionally, mentally, physically and academically. The reference to couples through history showed the difference and it also said that physical attraction involves sensory perception. Although these don’t interfere with a relationship, reasoning may cause one to fail because everything is planned out; relationships cannot be compared to math equations. In the human sciences section there is a reference to hormones with can affect emotions and a teenager’s way of acting. Another factor affect a relationship fail is language: misunderstandings and non communication may negatively affect two people in a relationship. The general layout of the presentation was very effective because it showed that they dedicated time to it and that they had researched their topic. It was set up in a catchy way because the pictures were appealing to the eye but also the irony present made it more interesting and funny. Watching the video didn’t seem like watching a TOK presentation because it definitely was an original idea.
