Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Emotional Intelligence

Howard Gardner formulated a theory of multiple intelligences. Two of these intelligences, the interpersonal and intrapersonal, focus in some manner upon human emotion. How does Gardner distinguish these two intelligences? Can you think of people whom you personally know (but please do not use names!) that exhibit a high degree of either form of intelligence? How does this impact their daily lives?


  1. Howard Gardner defines Interpersonal Intelligence as: concerned with the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people. It allows people to work effectively with others. Educators ( Dr. Wilberding =] ), salespeople, religious and political leaders and counsellors all need a well-developed interpersonal intelligence. And defines Intrapersonal Intelligence as: entailing the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one's feelings, fears and motivations. It involves having an effective working model of ourselves, and to be able to use such information to regulate our lives.
    I do know a couple of people who exhibit a high degree of interpersonal relationship, but there is one in particular that myself and my family have know for quite some time now. She has always worked effectively with others, I can tell because of how well she is treated by her coworkers and others and she is always available to help out her colleagues if they are in need. She puts on a smile in the morning and keeps it throughout the day of work, even though she would like to just lay in bed and sleep all day and do whatever she wants. This "fake" way of waking up in the morning may affect her ability to share what she is really feeling sometimes, which could make her feel lonely since she wouldn't have anyone to talk to. Having an interpersonal degree of intelligence, affects her life in a good way. She almost never has problems with the people surrounding her, tries to help and make everyone feel comfortable and most of all, is extremely good at what she does and LOVES helping out other people.

  2. Howard Gardener created the groups of interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence. Both have to do with emotions but the first is understanding others and empathizing and the second is understanding one's self. Some of the everyday jobs people perform need a high degree of either form of intelligence. I do know some family friend who cannot has a very high degree of interpersonal intelligence, being a psychologist. Her job consists exactly in understanding the intentions, motivations and desires of other people whom she later helps "think better". This has a positive impact on her daily life because, due to experience, she is able to help people and that is what she enjoys the most but also understand how she appears to be in other people's perspective.

  3. Howard Gardner distinguishes interpersonal and intrapersonal in two different ways. "Intrapersonal intelligence is the capacity to understand yourself and subsequently to act adaptively" instead "interpersonal intelligence is the capacity to quickly grasp and evalute moods, intentions, motivations and feelings of other people." Intrapersonal intelligence is an intelligence that involves the self-evaluation of one person. A person has to knows hinself ot herself to have a hign intrapersonal intelligence. Most people lack of an intrapersonal intelligence because sometimes it is difficult to undertsand one's needs. With time people can gain intrapersonal intelligence. Instead Interpersonal intelligence is the intelligence that has to do with the undertsnading of society. Everyone has different needs and some people can understand the different needs. Psychoanalists are great at understanding the minds and needs of people since it's their job, other people just have interpersonal intelligence. I haven't met many people with a high intrapersonal intelligence, but quite a few people that can understand society. I also have met people that don't have either intelligence. Each person differentitiates, and that's what makes human unique.

  4. As human beings we succeed and grow up involved with others, this ability to cooperate with others, the ability to understand them, and interpret their behaviour has been defined as INTERPERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. According to Howard Gardner, it is seen in how people "notice distinction among others; in particular, contrasts in their moods, temperaments motivations and intentions.” It might appear as a peculiar intelligence, yet we don’t know that it is something we might use in our everyday life, as we approach to know someone knew, as it allows us o understand others, and without it we, as humans, would lose the facility to subsist within society. Similarly to the sense of interpersonal intelligence, is that of INTRAPERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. It is the intuitive ability to understand and sense our self. It allows us to identify with our own being, what emotions we have, and why do we act in response in specific ways. Intrapersonal intelligence, may lead to a great sense of self-esteem, and strength of character, used to solve problematic situations or problems. On the other hand a weak sense of intrapersonal intelligence, prevents the identification of the person, seen as a separate identity in an environment that does not fit.
    I personally believe that we are all a bit interpersonal,and everyday example we might encounter is a priest, who listens to our sins and directs us into a better future, or a psychologist, whom we confide with in order to understand our problems.Being instead intrapersonal is a more atypical characteristic one might not notice, unless told directly. My family know someone who suffers of problematic intrapersonal situation, the one that affects one in a negative way. He\she is a bit slow in understanding concepts and it occurs that unexpected reaction occur, causing him many insecurities.

  5. Howard Gardner formulated a sort of list on multiple intelligences which theoretically divides types of intelligences into groups of which every person should treasure at least one, or in most cases several. In particular he distinguishes two two specific groups which are similar and different at the same time which focus upon human emotion, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence. Gardner describes interpersonal intelligence as an ability of a learner to apply his knowledge to help others, for they more easily understand them and can find more facilitated solutions. Intrapersonal intelligence on the other hand is a similar ability, but works on the person himself, for the learner is able to reflect on himself and analyze his problems, feelings and motivations.
    I know several people who exhibit these intelligences, though I have discovered strangely enough that mostly a person with these intelligences is either one or the other. By having this intelligence one can interact more with the world and what fills it which is us human beings. By being interpersonal you can feel the joy of helping your neighbor and can also learn from each person you help. By being intrapersonal you are able to find solutions for by being able to understand yourself you will have clearer ideas, and a better view of what your future will be like. By knowing this you can also make the people around you that you love, happy.

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  7. Howard Gardner states that interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand people, use social skills, and communicate. Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to understand one's self and have the skill to think about problems. I know several people who exhibit a high degree of each type of intelligence. Those with interpersonal intelligence are extremely social, get along with everyone and try new things. They think about the problems other people face and the way they can solve them and help the people out. Those with intrapersonal intelligence are thoughtful, pensive, philosophical, know themselves well, and are confident. They think about and try and solve their problems themselves. The type of intelligence these people display obviously affects their daily lives, the relationships they have, and the problems they face. I think, though, that people shouldn't be classified. People don't display one type of intelligence. They display different levels in different types of intelligences. So people display all forms of intelligence, just in different levels.

  8. Interpersonal and Intrapersonal intelligence have one thing in common: they focus in some manner upon human emotion. Upon this base you could say they are similar, but in reality, they are fairly different. Interpersonal intelligence involves the person to use their skills to communicate with others, show the ability to empathize and understand other people really well. I personally think this type of intelligence is really rare and important, a person who acquires such intelligence is fortunate and finds him or herself in a position of advanage. I personally think to have acquired some interpersonal intelligence throught my 15 years of life; the more I grow, the more my communication and empathy towards others increases.
    On the other hand, intrapersonal intelligence has to do with the ability to reflect and contemplate problems independently. I think it is not easy to acquire or have such an intelligence because it requires the individual to know him/herself into depth, and have the capacity to assess one's own feelings and motivations. I personally don't know anyone who has ever know him/herself so much to look upon him or herself and assessed his own feelings. As I said, the most difficult person to know, are not our friends, our family, our teachers, but ourselves.

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  10. According to Howard Gardner people are clasefied be "Multiple Intelligences", whihc are seven different ways to demonstrate intellectual ability and two of which are "Interpersonal Intelligence" and "Intrapersonal Intelligence." these two are two totally different concepts.
    Intrapersonal Intelligence is the ability to self-reflect and be aware of one's inner state of being. There many people who establish themselves to be intrapersonal (they think they themselvs) but I don't totally agree with them. In opinion no one in this world know themselve BUT they do have an idea of what kind of person they are.
    Then there is interpersonal intelligence, are people who has the ability to relate and understand others (empataise). I know many poeple who are very interpersonal and understands others and normally(not always) those people are who tend to be more "liked" by others (are more social. I can say that I am interpersonal because i do try to understand or to relate to others. I totally agree what Lucrezia said that it is not difficult to undersatnd others but ourselves!!!!

  11. Howard Gardner's theory on the multi-faceted nature of intelligence is used all through out the world to categorize people's intelligence and specific abilities. We are able to categorize the human emotions (feelings) under two distinct categories in Howard's study: the Interpersonal intelligence and the Intrapersonal intelligence. Intrapersonal Intelligence is the ability to understand and comprehend oneself, and to adapt to one’s emotions, ideals, and ambitions. A person with intrapersonal intelligence may have an honest and correct depiction of themselves, may understand their own mood changes and desires, and have a very healthy self confidence. Instead, a person with an interpersonal intelligence is not as interested in their own capacities as they are with other peoples. They are able to understand and adapt to other people’s intentions, emotions and moods. They may have an ability to comprehend people’s facial expressions and voice fluxuation and be sensitive to other’s abilities and intelligences. As people who live in a flourishing community of knowledge and learning, we experience both the intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences everyday. A school is filled with both of these intelligences (and obviously many more). We can say that many teachers are interpersonal and are able to understand students’ ways of learning and therefore are able to TEACH each individual in a proper manner. Many students are intrapersonal and are able to comprehend their own ways of understanding and learning in certain subjects.

  12. The difference between interpersonal and intrapersonal is that that interpersonal intelligence works with understanding people and their characters. Whereas intrapersonal is the understanding of one’s self. I think many people use both of these in everyday life. But I can think of one friend of mine in particular who understands other people very well. She seems to be able to talk about anything to almost anybody, and knows how to work their characters. I think having this form of intelligence really impacts your daily life because it helps you communicate to others and become more social which is very useful in today’s society. On the other hand the intrapersonal intelligence is also very useful because everyone needs to know their self to some degree. Because that is how you start to learn how others work. I think both forms of intelligence are very important and both are needed to some extent.

  13. Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences consists of 8 basic intelligences, two of these being the interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence. These two intelligences categorize the human emotions or feelings. The difference between these two is that someone with intrapersonal intelligence is able to understand themselves quite well; they are usually very confident, have a high level of self-esteem and are aware of their moods. These people also tend to be honest with themselves, and know where the limits are.
    On the other hand, a person with interpersonal intelligence has the capability to easily understand other peoples' moods and feelings. These kinds of people are usually sensitive to small actions made by others, such as a facial expression, or a change in one's voice.
    I believe that almost everyone has a bit of each of these intelligences. Yes, some may have more of one than the other. I know a few people who have intrapersonal intelligence, and this affects their lives in the way that they have self-confidence, therefore they aren't afraid of going and trying something new. Also I know someone who has a high level of interpersonal intelligence, and they are able to understand others, talk to others about anything. Therefore, I feel that both forms of intelligence are highly important because they each require an understanding of someone, whether it be a friend, a family member or yourself. The grasping of your own emotions and feelings can be the most difficult, and sometimes you just need the advice and help of a friend. So each of these intelligences depend on each other,they are both important, and are both used in everyday life.

  14. Gardner distinguishes the two intelligences; interpersonal and intrapersonal by stating that interpersonal is; "the capacity to understand yourself and subsequently to act adaptively. I think what Gardner is explaining here is that it's a person who feels confident within themselves, confident enough to have a healthy self-esteem. But stating that interpersonal is; "the capacity to quickly grasp and evaluate the moods, intentions, motivations and feelings of other people. Thus saying that being aware of the mental state of people in their surroundings is that they are very attentive and have the ability to discriminate among many personal cues. Meaning that they have sensitivity to people's facial expressions, gestures and voice qualities. An example of a person that I know that exibits a high degree of either intelligence is a family member of mine, that seems to understand the feelings and emotions that one displays from either speaking or talking face to face with the person. This may affect one's daily life because they may become too focused on such situations, where they look too much into depth about something, or may interpret a given gesture in a way that the other person may not have meant it. But the importance of either intelligence is balanced equally in my opinion, where every person needs to have confidence within themselves and where every person should at least be aware of the people in their surrounding and not to be completely oblivious of other people's feelings, emotions and hand gestures or any sort of gestures.

  15. Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences consists of 8 basic intelligences, two of these being the interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence. These two intelligences categorize the human emotions or feelings. I personally believe that some people are better at one than the other, or have more of one than the other. For example I know of people who know a lot of how they are, how they react and whatnot. But they are not so good at interpreting what others do. I also know of people of which the opposite is true. So I do believe that a person could have a knack for one intelligence and not the other. The people who know themselves well know what decisions to make to make themselves happy, while the people who know how to interpret others well they try to keep everybody else happy rather than looking at themselves. But I also believe that there are people who can do both, but are not extremely good at either, so they keep their happiness and the happiness of others balanced.

  16. Howard Gardener made two groups of interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence. Both of the groups have to do with emotions. The first is understanding others and empathizing and the second is understanding one's self. Interpersonal intelligence works with understanding people and their characters, instead intrapersonal is the understanding of one’s self.
    There are many people who have interpersonal intelligence like psychologists and priests who are there to listen to you and understand you, whilst intrapersonal intelligence almost everyone has it, even though sometimes people have problems with intrapersonal intelligence.
    Ginevra Pier

  17. Although Howard Gardner's two intelligences, interpersonal and intrapersonal, both have to do with human emotions, they are two very distinct intelligences. Intrapersonal intelligence refers to the ability of knowing oneself, who you are, what you can do, and what you want to do. It also includes the ability to self-reflect. I personally find this to be an extremely difficult task, but many people rely on it to reach their goals and ambitions.
    Interpersonal intelligence, on the other hand, is the ability to interact with others, understand their behaviour and their actions. This is a fundamental skill in life, because it helps people relate with one another and understand what people expect from you. Many have this intelligence, and it is also very useful in work. For example, phsycologists understand their patients and help them thanks to their interpersonal intelligence. Also, I have a friend who has the ability to understand what I am thinking about, and how I am feeling. Many times,she seems to know me even more than i know myself. It has an extremely positive impact on her life, because she seems to have everyone's approval. But on the other hand, sometimes people don't want to know the truth,and therefore find her irritating. Nevertheless, I find this a very useful ability.

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